Iwo Jima Memorial Pasta Dinner Fundraiser
Iwo Jima Memorial Pasta Dinner Fundraiser
IWO JIMA MEMORIAL PASTA DINNER FUNDRAISER Sunday, Jan. 26, 2025 12-4pm VFW Post 511 41 Veterans Drive New Britain CT $15 pp / $5 Kids ages 6 to 12
IWO JIMA MEMORIAL PASTA DINNER FUNDRAISER Sunday, Jan. 26, 2025 12-4pm VFW Post 511 41 Veterans Drive New Britain CT $15 pp / $5 Kids ages 6 to 12
VFW 591 Wallingford Monthly Breakfast in Bishop Hall (upstairs).
Dinner at 1800; meeting at 1900. Uniform is business casual. All VFW Membership is invited. Administration of Affairs Between Conventions. The Department Council of Administration shall be responsible for administering the affairs and transacting the business of the Department between Department Conventions. The Council shall be governed in its duties by the mandates of the […]
The coconuts are back at VFW Post 5095! Tickets available now! Click on eventbrite to get tickets now!
Fundraiser to support VFW 6933 Darien–all proceeds benefit the post. $25 Donation at Door; includes food and music by Zully Ramos and the OG’s Cash Bar * Raffles Piedmont Club, 152 Hecker Ave, Darien
Contact event organizer to confirm.
COMRADES: Email events to the department adjutant for probable posting.